Two Stories

At this point, you have a decision to make.

Do you diminish your dreams? Do you acknowledge the unachievable and accept the always-on buzz of stress and anxiety? Or do you realise your limitless potential by examining and writing the real story of who you are?

We all have two stories.

The first is the story of your life, in which you are the main character on an unpredictable journey through a complicated, confusing, and ever-changing world. Living alongside eight billion other people, each playing the leading role in their unique plot.

Your life story, though, is not yours to write. Instead, it will be gradually revealed to you one experience at a time, day after day, until the moment you die. Offering bewildering challenges and mystifying opportunities at every turn.

There is, however, a second story that is yours to write. The story of who you are. It’s through this story of values and beliefs that you influence how your life will unfold.

Through the story of who you are, you make sense of the world around you and, without thinking, arrive at 95% of the choices you make every day. Its impact on the story of your life is enormous.

Unfortunately, most people don’t appreciate the importance of this story or their responsibility for writing it. Instead, they unwittingly give that responsibility to others, who themselves gave away responsibility, and so on generations into history with devastating results.

When our life story doesn’t play out as we intended, we strain uselessly to script our future - not realising how little in life is actually in our control and creating stress and anxiety of epidemic proportions in the process.

We neglect the story of who we are and never recognise that the misalignment between it and our dreams is where the real problem lies.

If this resonates, please get in touch. I enjoy using the experience of writing my story to help others write theirs.


Building Adaptability